
My name is scarlett kim.

I was born in 1989.

I have been a web developer since May 2011.

I started the php web developer.

From 2011 to 2015 year, I developed servers and front.

So I think still seem to lack expertise about development of front.

(Instead, I have a lot of project experience and are good at coping and managing quickly. And I am good at coordinating, organizing, and documenting people. )

This is because other companies except for the companies that are currently in business have required the development of front such as HTML, JS, and CSS.

It was hard, but fun.

Because Whenever I publish the page, I feel a sense of accomplishment.

In the world, many people who are very good at it. (so many ...)

I happened to see Facebook articles and there were a lot of interesting and interesting technologies.

So a few months ago, I was studying with interest in development to improve my expertise.

The goal of the year,

It uses Docker and Kubernets to deploy and complete the React-based side project with server side rendering.

Essentially I must build up core knowledge.

You have to make constant efforts.

You should get used to English or English documents.

Last updated